Using tarot for big, intimidating questions

Do you ever sit down and reflect on how much has changed since you started making tarot a part of your life?   

When I think back to where I was when I decided to commit to this path, I can’t believe the difference between where I started and where I’ve ended up.  

I used to be searching for something that I couldn’t quite articulate. All I knew was that I had an inner discomfort, an ongoing sense that things weren’t quite what they should be.  

Back then, I had a challenging job in a downtown office. I used to walk to work every day asking, “What am I supposed to be doing?”  

That question led me to a series of readers. I consulted astrologers, cartomancers, psychics, channelers… Slowly, each reading chipped away at my big, nebulous questions:  

“How can I break away from the fears that keep me tied to things I know I don’t want to be doing?”  

“What is the universe trying to tell me?”  

“What am I meant to be doing with my life?”  

When I decided to commit to learning tarot myself, I realized, over time, that it wasn’t even just about divining for answers that made a difference.  

It was learning how to simply articulate my big (and small) questions that made such a difference.  

Having a practice and a tool that helps you stay open to what you’re thinking is transformative in itself.  

Tarot is a method of divination, yes, but it is also a way of thinking. It shifts your mindset towards curiosity about life. It teaches you how to stay open-minded about where you currently find yourself, and the possibilities that could evolve from this moment.  

Tarot reading is an active experience, one that can continue to reverberate throughout your life if you allow for it. That’s why I talk about tarot as a practice: It’s an ongoing commitment that unfolds even when you’re not pulling cards.  

Your circumstances can change when you start working with tarot because you are changing. You learn to look at things differently when you start reading tarot. You start examining your life from new angles. You start making different decisions as a result of your stream of consciousness.  

When I think back to how much my life has changed since tarot came into my life, I realize that the most important thing I’ve gained is a sense of inner calm I didn’t have before. 

Tarot can’t eliminate the sense of uncertainty that comes from the human experience: We are always going to have moments where we question who we are, what we want, and where we’re going.  

But tarot can help you make peace with these big questions. It can show you how to access a personal well of confidence that makes you realize no matter how confusing the future might look sometimes, you will figure things out one way or another.  

And that’s something to remember when we’re trying to dissect big, potentially life-changing questions with tarot. Whether we’re reading for ourselves or for others, it can feel a bit daunting to explore questions that feel like they have a lot riding on them.  

“What if I’m wrong?”  

“What if my intuition tells me something, but I don’t have the confidence to share it?”  

“What if I’m not seeing the whole answer?”  

We have to remember that one reading isn’t going to solve everything. And even if you feel like you’re only scratching the surface of an answer, simply making space to ask a question and explore what’s there can be enough to start a shift in someone’s life.  

The big stuff is rarely solved overnight. It is a step-by-step process, a path that unfolds bit by bit.  

Tarot is just one piece of the puzzle.  

This is why I think it’s so important that we, as tarot readers, spend time working on ourselves as we build and sustain our capacity to work with others: So that we can understand this bigger unfoldment.  

And that’s what I had in mind when I created Tarot for Self-Recovery and Reclamation.  

This course teaches you how to use tarot to recover and reclaim parts of the Self that get disrupted, lost, and sidelined over time.  

So many people want to feel more connected to their voice, their soul’s purpose, and their personal power.  

Tarot for Self-Recovery and Reclamation is designed to support that. The beauty of the course is that you, as a tarot reader, get to do the work on yourself first. If you choose, you can also take these techniques and trainings into the world to offer to your community, too.  

As I mentioned last week, I’m getting ready to launch my new book, Inside Every Dream, a Raging Sea, in October. This means I won’t have time to run any live classes in August, so I’m offering up Tarot for Self-Recovery and Reclamation as a self-study option this month instead. 

If you're in search of a tarot program that will help you to connect with yourself in a deeper way, and you are craving time and space to do some personal exploration this August, I invite you to join me here.  

Until next time, 


"I highly recommend this course for your personal and professional development as a Tarot reader. This is a course of self-discovery and a opportunity to increase your understanding of Tarot in terms of building up your knowledge and practice. " 

 ~ Brendan O’Connor 


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