Is It Intuition, or Something Else? (And can your gut steer you wrong?)

When I ask people why they want to read tarot, the Number One reason I hear is, “I want to develop my intuition.”

So many of us want to experience trust and alignment within ourselves, and the universe. And tarot can be an amazing way to open up to that.

But there is a lot of confusion about intuition and psychic ability out there. These are concepts that we need to develop with discernment, responsibility, and groundedness if we really want to embrace them in our lives.

This goes for whether you read tarot or not – intuition is not reliant on divination.

There is no shortage of psychic advice out there in cyberspace these days. Take a scroll on Instagram and you’ll likely come across posts encouraging you to trust your psychic skills and cut off those “low-vibe” friends. Or memes that remind you that your intuition is never wrong.  

But – and this a big but – the problem with that is that it’s really easy to confuse other...

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How Is Intuition Supposed To Feel?

Intuition: So many of us say we want to develop it.

We chase after it in books and workshops. We learn tools like tarot in the pursuit to be more intuitive.

We do gut-checks when making major decisions and heed the advice to "follow your intuition."

But what does that mean, exactly? How is intuition supposed to feel?

And most importantly: What is it supposed to do?

Defining intuition can be as elusive as developing it.

Some people use intuition and psychic ability interchangeably – and whereas others don’t subscribe to psychic power at all, yet may still describe themselves as intuitive individuals.

Some people say it’s about having a certain instinct – making the right decisions if not every time, then at least most of the time.

That may take us along the lines of the belief that intuition is about perception – being able to feel out a situation, a person, or a room quickly and accurately. Or sensing that something within a conversation that...

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