Why is money such a messy topic in the tarot community?

The spiritual community at large (including the tarot community) often has a poor relationship with money.

This isn’t a blanket statement, of course: There are always different ends of the spectrum in any situation.

But having been working in this industry for years now, I’ve heard and seen enough critiques of money to know that this problem is pervasive and ongoing.

I’ve even seen some practitioners who are running businesses of their own complain about having to pay for someone else’s course, training, or book.

You’d think business people would want to support each other, right? Apparently, that’s not always the case.

But why does this matter, and why am I bringing it up in my tarot newsletter?

Because tarot readers’ attitudes towards money can influence those they seek to support.

Whether you read professionally or just for fun and practice, the reality is that the people you read cards for have financial concerns.

Your querents might...

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Divination Wonโ€™t Work Without This

One of my favourite ways to use tarot is to get insight into what my options are when I’m at a fork in the road.

For example, last year I was looking into taking a course to learn some new skills. I was checking out at a few different classes and teachers and would have liked to invest in each of them.

But I had to be realistic: I’d set aside a specific budget, and only had so much time to study. Which meant I had to pick one course, not all of them.

So I turned to my tarot deck to see what I could expect from each one, and then compare them.

I do this when I read for clients who are debating decisions as well. You never know what might come up: Sometimes, the options all look quite similar. Other times, there’s a clear winner.

But what how much weight should we give to readings like this?

Are they guarantees, or just glimpses of what’s possible? And are they accurate, or might they lead us astray from a better option?

These are questions I’ve talked through...

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How to make ritual part of your regular routine

In my previous post, I shared some thoughts in regards to whether you need a specific ritual or not to enhance your tarot readings.

You can read it here in case you missed it. But to sum up my POV, I don’t feel that ritual is necessary to perform an effective tarot reading.

That’s because I believe that reading is a skill that we develop with time, practice, and experience.

“But what about ritual for your day-to-day life?” Some readers have asked me. “I love the idea of having a little bit of magic happening throughout my day, but don’t necessarily feel the need to incorporate it into any of my tarot work.”

Same here.

I can’t assume to know all that will work for each person out there, but I can share a little bit about what works for me when it comes to weaving magic into my life.

First, I connect to devotion.

I wasn’t raised in a religious household, but had friends who were. There have been times in my life when I felt...

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Why We Love Stories About Change

I used to follow a blogger who went onto become quite famous in the self-help industry.

I fell in love with stories she shared about breaking away from “what no longer served” her.

Reading that blog led me to look for similar people and stories.

Any time I read about someone who was quitting their job, closing their business, or moving to another country, I felt excited.

And inspired.

I hungered for people who were making big changes and taking huge leaps of faith.

I got a rush when I heard that someone was no longer taking clients. Or when they were going on sabbatical.

There is something exciting about the idea of breaking free and starting fresh.

I notice that I crave these kinds of stories when I’m craving change.

What we look for in the world to influence us is often a reflection of what we need to experience for ourselves.

We live in an intensely goal-oriented society. We learn a lot about aim and achievement. But we lack lessons in boredom, fatigue, and...

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How to identify your personal power (and know it when you see it)

At my last day job, I worked with a woman who would sometimes pause our conversations and say, "I know it’s off-topic, but can I talk about your tattoos for a second?"

"Sure," I would say. I’ve been getting tattooed for over 20 years. People often have questions.

One day, my colleague finally told me why she was so curious about them. "I really want to get the name of my son tattooed right here," she said, pointing to a spot on her wrist. "But I’m afraid it will hold me back if I ever want to move up in my career."

"It sounds like you’re making decisions for people you haven’t even met yet," I said. "And maybe you never will. Who knows where you’ll be working, or who you’ll be working with? They might not mind."

Though I could relate to her worries. After all, this story isn’t really about tattoos.

It’s about the ways fear of judgement and lack of acceptance erodes joy, confidence, and self-expression.

It’s about the ways we...

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Why I Read Tarot

What is the point of reading tarot?

Whenever I explain to someone that I believe the future is yet to be created, a question predictably follows:

"Then what’s the point of reading tarot?"

I get where the question is coming from: So many people assume tarot is all about future-telling.

So explain that I read tarot because the cards are a tapestry of possibility. A reading gives you the chance to draw a map of your potential.

I read tarot because it lays out the ideas, thoughts, and feelings that are bouncing around within your head and heart and allows you to get a clearer perspective on what it all means.

I read tarot because it’s an opportunity to sit down with yourself and ask, "What do I really want to make happen right now?"

I read tarot because it gives you the freedom to be yourself by validating your feelings, instincts, and ideas.

There’s a reason why I don’t believe that the future is neatly mapped out for you: If it was, why would you need to make any...

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Tarot As a Reset Button

“What do you see coming up for me this year?”

It’s one of the most common questions I hear when people sit down for a tarot reading with me.

But it’s important to remember that tarot isn’t always about knowing the future – instead, it can be about healing the present. 

It’s not always easy to be yourself in this world.

In fact, it can feel pretty scary to share your feelings. Or to express a part of yourself that you’ve been told is wrong because it doesn’t fit into society’s preconceived notions of how you are “supposed” to think, act, look, or speak.

The problem with assuming that a tarot reading only serves to see the future is that it overlooks so many other ways that tarot can help you break out of limiting expectations.

It can help you begin to heal from the pressure and burnout of work, routine, and daily survival.

It can help you to see where your desires got lost or neglected along the way in lieu of...
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The Spiritual Belief That Might Be Holding You Back

There are a lot of narratives in the spiritual, self-help, and motivational spaces that can lead you to believe that if something is meant for you, it will come easily.

It doesn’t help that it seems like everyone online these days is flouting six-figure businesses overnight successes: With the promise that if you buy into their secret formula or take their action steps, you can have that, too.

And we tell ourselves that if we start living our purpose, or find more fulfillment through our work, business or relationships, then everything will just fall into place.

No more struggle. No more pain. Just all easy, all the time.

And if we’re not experiencing ease, success, or alignment? Then something must be wrong.

The universe is conspiring against you NOT โ€ผ

Life is not without effort. The universe is not bound by binary thinking that there is only one way, or one path, and if something isn’t coming easily then it’s not meant for you.

Most things are rarely easy...

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Why I Quit Astrology

If you've been following my blogs for a while, you might have noticed some big changes around here since 2020... 

I used to write about astrology. A lot. Maybe you used to check in for new and full moon tarot spreads from me, or to learn about upcoming Mercury retrogrades... 

But not anymore. Why? 

I’ve been concerned about the impact of online content and social media on practices like astrology for some time now. As a result, I decided to re-evaluate my role and impact as an astrologer who also shares information online.

I discuss why I decided to step back from astrology over on Refinery29. You can read the essay here.

Until next time,

Liz xo

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How I deal with skeptics

For simplicity’s sake, I am using “spirituality” throughout this post as an umbrella term to encompass a range of practices, tarot to astrology to religion and everything in between.

Someone asked me recently, “How do you deal with skeptics?”

I shrugged. “I don’t, really.”

I don’t, as in: I don’t argue with them, or try to change their minds.

But I also don’t let it get to me. I don’t own tarot, or other spiritual pursuits. I can defend my beliefs, but there is no threat to them just because someone doesn’t participate in the same things I do.

I also remind myself that skepticism is a belief system itself, too. So no matter where we are coming from, we must be mindful to cultivate acceptance of other viewpoints.

Meaning that I don’t expect everyone to think the way I do. Each of us has the right to choose the path and perspective that feels best.

Skepticism has a spectrum and comes in...

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