Respect as a spiritual practice

“How can I do better?”

This question is reverberating around the world right now.

Anti-racist actions and education have become bigger priorities in spiritual communities recently, including the tarot world.

As a result, I have seen a number of Black women make pleas through their social media accounts for people to stop contacting them by private messages to ask, “How can I help? What can I do? How can I be a better ally?”

For those who are not content creators or who are not public-facing in their work, it might come as a shock just how often boundaries get crossed online.

I don’t know what it’s like to get asked about anti-racism education, or how to support Black Lives Matter.

But I do know it’s a huge problem for tarot readers and astrologers to get contacted by people requesting free readings, feedback on their natal charts or tarot spreads, or advice on whether an ex is returning.

So I can only imagine what others deal with on...

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Making Friends With Fear

Today, I want you to think about something you really want to accomplish.

Maybe you want to launch a new business in the next six months.

Maybe you want to run a marathon next year.

Maybe you want to learn a new language.

Maybe you want to write an album, or a book, or build an artistic career.

Whatever it is, I want you to hold onto it for a moment.

What does fear have to do with your goal? Maybe it influences your actions a little, or a lot. Maybe fear is what is keeping you from moving forward right now.

Maybe you’ve found yourself thinking, “If I knew there a good chance this plan would work out, I would do it for sure.”

Maybe you’re waiting for that sign, confirmation, or guarantee.

I think I’m a pretty good person to talk to about fear, though probably not for the same reasons people expect.

In my work as a tarot reader, I often answer questions about goals: People look to tarot for certainty, outcomes, and predictions.

“Will this...

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The problem with being of service

Do you want to be of service?

I know I do. Being of service is one of the reasons I became a tarot reader.

And I know that a lot of you out there feel the same, whether you read tarot yourself or use it for guidance in your life.

A lot of us who are committed to spiritual growth and intuitive development are often people who also want to heal ourselves, and others.

And so it makes sense that a lot of set out to find paths that allow us to be of service.

How? There are many ways we can be of service:

Volunteer work through a charity or community centre, lending a hand to a neighbour or family member, or pursuing a career path to puts you on the front lines are just a few examples.

Before I landed on my tarot journey, I wanted to be a writer. But when I was looking into college courses, I also considered a social work program.

I ended up in journalism, feeling that it was a good way to bridge the two. Later, after I transitioned out of the media industry, I started working on...

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Tarot Is Not a Quick Fix

“You’ve got to be willing to do the work.”

We’ve all heard this kind of advice before.

It applies to pretty much anything in life, such as goal-setting: If you want something, you need to put the effort in to get it.

It also applies to personal growth. We say things like, “He’s done a lot of work on himself,” or, “I’m taking some time away to work on myself.”

What this “work” looks like is so varied and personal that it’s not always easy to know exactly what it is everyone is working on, or how they are doing it.

The work of your life may be very different than mine. We all have our own lessons, journeys, and gifts. We also have our own challenges to overcome.

Some people figure out what their “work” is sooner than others. And some of our work may be work that takes a lifetime to understand.

There is no way to rush through it, no arbitrary deadline you can reach where you suddenly become an...

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What Happens When Politics and Spirituality Collide

Should spiritual leaders “get political”?

Should your favourite tarot reader, astrologer, or witch share their political views on their platforms?

Some people believe the two should be kept separate.

But it’s not always so easy to figure out where the lines can be drawn – and whether they should be drawn in the first place.

I mean, what is considered “political” anyway?

I’m not just talking about elections and political parties – that’s just one part of it.

Sometimes I think that everything is political. Maybe that comes from living in a woman’s body: From day one, my appearance, my choices, and my lifestyle have been politicized no matter what I do.

But then I challenge my own belief on that when I encounter an opinion on what is political that I hadn’t considered before. Like what we’ve seen this year in regards to the pandemic.

Suddenly, hygienic practices are seen as political. Some people see masks,...

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How To Transition Your Tarot Business Online

tarot business May 05, 2020

Do you need to move your tarot business from in-person to online? Here are some tips to help you get going. 

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How to Stay Healthy as a Tarot Reader


Staying healthy as a tarot reader can be tricky, especially if you do a lot of in-person work at parties, events, or one-on-one.

A lot of us readers are often working in public spaces like stores, coffee shops or fairs.

Here's what I do to stay healthy when I'm working out in the public.

(Note that I am not a health professional and can only speak to what works for me. ALSO - follow local health guidelines during Covid!)

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Building a start-up tarot business: What to expect in your first year

tarot business Nov 18, 2016

I’ve been reading tarot since 2008, but it took me a long, long time to realize I wanted to build a tarot business.

In fact, when I first got into tarot, I never had the intention of doing this professionally. I was so focused on my writing career that I just never imagined that life might have something different in store for me.

Since going full-time with my business, I’ve had a lot of questions from other folks are curious about to expect if they do the same. Some of you may even already have taken the leap, and are wondering if you’re “where you should be” at this point.

So I’ve put together some of my key learnings here. I should note that tarot isn’t my first foray into self-employment. My first entrepreneurial plunge came as a freelance writer and journalist when I was in my twenties.

There have been parallels between the two for sure, and you might even find that the tips I share here are relevant to you even if you’re not...

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Building a start-up tarot business: What to expect in your first year

tarot business Nov 18, 2016

I’ve been reading tarot since 2008, but it took me a long, long time to realize I wanted to build a tarot business.

In fact, when I first got into tarot, I never had the intention of doing this professionally. I was so focused on my writing career that I just never imagined that life might have something different in store for me.

Since going full-time with my business, I’ve had a lot of questions from other folks are curious about to expect if they do the same. Some of you may even already have taken the leap, and are wondering if you’re “where you should be” at this point.

So I’ve put together some of my key learnings here. I should note that tarot isn’t my first foray into self-employment. My first entrepreneurial plunge came as a freelance writer and journalist when I was in my twenties.

There have been parallels between the two for sure, and you might even find that the tips I share here are relevant to you even if you’re not...

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What Questions Should You Ask the Tarot?

When I sit down with a client for a reading, I ask them if there's anything they want to focus on today.

“I have a question," they often say, "but I’m not sure I am supposed to say it out loud.”

There are so many strange little superstitions and misconceptions around tarot readings, and unfortunately, they can really impact the quality of your reading, and the messages you receive.

One of the muddiest areas is about what kind of questions to bring to a tarot reading. I’ve had some clients express complete surprise when I’ve asked if they would like to focus their reading on a question or a topic: “Oh! I didn’t know I was allowed to ask anything.”

Of course you can ask questions - and say them out loud.

How else is your reader going to know what you're wondering about? 

Sure, some tarot readers like to read "cold," figuring out your question on their own. But many, including myself, want to know your question off the top to get...

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