Is It Intuition, or Something Else? (And can your gut steer you wrong?)

When I ask people why they want to read tarot, the Number One reason I hear is, “I want to develop my intuition.”

So many of us want to experience trust and alignment within ourselves, and the universe. And tarot can be an amazing way to open up to that.

But there is a lot of confusion about intuition and psychic ability out there. These are concepts that we need to develop with discernment, responsibility, and groundedness if we really want to embrace them in our lives.

This goes for whether you read tarot or not – intuition is not reliant on divination.

There is no shortage of psychic advice out there in cyberspace these days. Take a scroll on Instagram and you’ll likely come across posts encouraging you to trust your psychic skills and cut off those “low-vibe” friends. Or memes that remind you that your intuition is never wrong.  

But – and this a big but – the problem with that is that it’s really easy to confuse other...

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3 Things You Need To Succeed as a Tarot Reader

People are often attracted to esoteric practices like tarot because they want to know the fastest way to get from A to B.

And the occult seems to promise short cuts and hacks to fast-track your success.

While I don’t think it hurts to throw in a little bit of magic into your life now and again, it’s important to remember that spells, prayers, meditations and affirmations can only get you so far.

If you don’t have the right attitude, mindset, or structure in place in your life to hold onto what you want to create, then all the magic in the world won’t save you.

This is a big mistake I see tarot readers make when they are trying to build their skills.

Whether you’re brand new to tarot, or you’ve been studying for years, if you’re relying too much on the “woo” to do the work for you, then you might not be seeing the progress you want.

There are three things I think everyone needs to nail if they want to get good at reading tarot...

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3 Signs You Might Not Be Ready For a Tarot Reading

It is my belief that tarot is for everyone, and that it can be beneficial in many situations when used appropriately.

Like any tool, it will only work she applied with the proper skill and intention.

If you are getting a tarot reading, your emotional and intellectual perspective will also play a role in how that reading goes. It’s important to be in an open state of mind, ready to receive information.

I have had clients in the past who were clearly not ready for tarot and sometimes, I have had to cut sessions short because querents were so nervous or scared.

As a tarot reader, I won’t always know where you are at emotionally when you book an appointment. It is up to you to know whether you are ready and willing to give tarot a try.

Here are 3 signs you might not be ready for a reading:

1. You have immense guilt about it, to the point where you can’t enjoy your reading. I once had a client break down in tears because they felt like they were going against their religion...

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The Problem With Doing What Resonates With You

If you’ve spent any time at all following new age practitioners, you’ve likely heard the phrase, “Go with what resonates with you.”

This saying permeates new age spiritual culture of all kinds: It shows up in tarot workshops and healing sessions. You see it in books and hear it on YouTube channels.

It’s meant to be taken as guidance or advice to help a student or client figure out what their next step is. Sometimes, it’s given during times of confusion, as though to say, “Just go with what you feel.”

Confusion itself doesn’t get us very far, does it? When you’re not sure whether you’re coming or going, and you’re unclear as to whether you’re supposed to do this or that, things can go one of two ways:

You stay stuck and keep repeating the same old patterns, knowing you need to take different actions but you’re not sure what they are, or…

You act on emotion, impulse, or intuition and hope...

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Why this is the best, and worst, time to get a reading

The end of the year can be one of the busiest seasons for tarot readings.

Everyone wants to know what’s coming up in the year ahead:

"Will this be the year I find love?"

"Will my business be more profitable?"

"Will I move or change jobs?"

Overall, these are pretty common questions that people bring to tarot readers all year round – regardless of the calendar date.

Which is why, a couple of years ago, I started to question my own attachment to doing New Year’s readings for my community.

One thing that I grappled with was that life is not linear. Many of the things we are hoping for don’t just magically fall into place just because we changed the date on the calendar.

And so to expect that a certain date is going to signify something – be it love, success, or any other kind of goal – didn’t feel quite right.

Especially because some of the things we are hoping for in the New Year require some kind of planning or action.

I also realized that New...

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What if a tarot reading is wrong?

beginner tarot tarot tips Nov 14, 2020

Tarot readings are not promises or guarantees.

Sometimes we come to tarot with the assumption that what we want for ourselves will come our way if the cards say it is so.

Tarot shows what is possible, but you have to meet your life halfway - and sometimes even more than that. You must be willing and able to follow through on the life you want to live.

A reading can help to inspire your potential, but you have to be the one to activate it.

Want to learn what it takes to truly understand tarot as a tool? Join me for my free masterclass here.

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Why I No Longer Set Up Ancestor Altars at Halloween

Halloween, Scorpio season, Samhain, All Soul’s Day…

No matter what you name this time of year, ancestors become a popular theme about now.

It is believed the veil is at its thinnest these days, and that the spirits around us are close. People build altars to honour the dead. We burn candles for our ancestors, maybe leaving out their photographs or favourite libations in remembrance.

Maybe you already have an ancestral practice for this time of year. Maybe you’ve only heard bits and pieces of these ideas, your curiosity piqued by beautiful altar photos on Instagram or blog posts that offer some quick tips about ancestral work.

I used to follow all of that advice. Each October, when the Sun moved into Scorpio, I would start to set up an ancestor altar. I would adorn it with candles and mementoes, photographs and seasonal offerings.

And then, as we got into mid-November and Halloween had come and gone, I had no idea what to do with that altar.

So I would disassemble...

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How To See the Bigger Picture in Tarot

One of the most problematic beliefs that comes from the spiritual industry is that everything is your fault.

If you’re not happy enough, successful enough, or in love enough, then it must because you’re not thinking the right thoughts.

Or you’re not raising your vibration high enough to attract what you really want.

Or you’re just not putting in the work to be who you want to be.

Sometimes there are things that are holding us back that we did not – and would not – choose for ourselves.

For years, I struggled with crippling shyness when I was growing up. It held me back from opportunities that I desperately wanted – but I couldn’t bring myself to be the way I wanted to be.

But that shyness wasn’t just mine. It was part of a coping mechanism that I’d developed over the years, and it was a behaviour that I’d been programmed to adopt into my identity.

The environments I’d grown up in had told me that girls should be...

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Tarot Tip for Beginners: Daytime vs Nighttime Cards

beginner tarot tarot tips Oct 27, 2020

Daytime vs Nighttime Cards in Your Tarot Deck

There is more to reading tarot than memorizing card meanings.

One thing I always stress in my tarot students is to look at the images of the cards.

Every tarot card can hold many layers of meaning, based on the scene it depicts.

A simple way to start studying your cards' imagery is to look at your daytime and nighttime cards.

This can add a layer of meaning to your messages:

Day time cards, like the Sun, might indicate visibility or something that is “plain as day” or “coming to light,”

Nighttime cards may be telling you that something is not yet clear or visible - we can’t see very well in the dark.

If the deck you are using doesn't have these details, you might consider switching to a deck like the Rider Waite Smith, which is what I recommend for beginner tarot readers. 

Tip: Go through your tarot deck and separate your daytime cards from your nighttime cards. Spend some time studying each of...

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Tarot Is Not a Quick Fix

“You’ve got to be willing to do the work.”

We’ve all heard this kind of advice before.

It applies to pretty much anything in life, such as goal-setting: If you want something, you need to put the effort in to get it.

It also applies to personal growth. We say things like, “He’s done a lot of work on himself,” or, “I’m taking some time away to work on myself.”

What this “work” looks like is so varied and personal that it’s not always easy to know exactly what it is everyone is working on, or how they are doing it.

The work of your life may be very different than mine. We all have our own lessons, journeys, and gifts. We also have our own challenges to overcome.

Some people figure out what their “work” is sooner than others. And some of our work may be work that takes a lifetime to understand.

There is no way to rush through it, no arbitrary deadline you can reach where you suddenly become an...

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