You Don't Have To Work With Every Lunation

Is it just me, or is everyone talking about lunar cycles these days?

Over the past couple of years, it seems like every mailing list I’m on and every Instagram account I follow has started doing posts for every new and full moon.

I think it’s awesome that so many people are starting to synch up their lives with nature’s rhythms, which the moon is part of.

I’ve been working with lunar cycles since the mid `90s and I know how powerful they can be. 

For me, following the Moon is a spiritual practice. And like anything else, when the popularity of a practice rises, information can get diluted, confused and distorted.

Especially these days when there is so much pressure to have something new to post on social media. Or when there is already so much to do, keep up with and talk about.

When we’re rushing through our daily lives, our spiritual practices can be affected.

When you start working with the cycles of the moon, one of the first things you...

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