How to stand out as a tarot reader

taort business Jul 15, 2024

The tarot space is a crowded one. Especially in the last few years, when it seems like everyone got into tarot and launched a TikTok account…

One thing I’ve talked about a lot with fellow readers offline is how to stand out in such a crowded environment. Especially when it seems like everyone is doing daily card readings online, or going live on YouTube or Instagram to read for the collective.

“Do I have to do that, too?” you might have wondered if you’ve been trying to build up your presence as a reader.

My answer is no. If you follow me on social media, you’ll see that I don’t do a lot of collective readings. It’s on a rare occasion when I’ll pull a card or two for an Instagram live. But otherwise I enjoy talking about different topics and I like to leave space for other things.

Kind of like what I do here in my newsletter: I want to give something that might be helpful to those of you read these emails (thank you for being...

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