What Do You Do When You Lose a Tarot Card?

tarot decks tarot tips Nov 22, 2021

What do you when you lose a tarot card from a favourite deck?

I personally haven’t lost a card (yet).

But I also take steps to prevent cards from straying when I’m out doing readings at parties, events, or shops:

  • I’m the only one who shuffles my deck. I used to let clients shuffle, but stopped after seeing some querents handle my cards too roughly.

  • At the end of an event, I close my day by counting my cards before I put them back in their pouch. That way I know I’m leaving with a full deck.

  • I’m careful about outdoor events. I used to read tarot in a park in the summer, for anyone was passing by. It was fun, but the wind can carry a card away very Bringing some stones or other small objects as paper weights helps keep your cards in place.

But if something happens and a card gets lost?

Here are some options:

First, make sure the card is truly lost. I am a clumsy shuffler and have had cards end up under the couch, slide under my laptop, or flip well...

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