Taking Tarot to the Next Level: Go Beyond the Basics

Stop doubting your tarot readings. 

Start finding clarity and confidence in the cards.

"Yes! I'm ready to become a confident tarot reader."

Hey there, tarot reader. I have a feeling I know whatā€™s brought you here.

You love tarot, right? You make time for it. The cards call to you.

You love the ritual of tarot, and the time it allows you to take for yourself.
Tarot has opened up new insights for you. You believe in it, trust in it, and want to share its wisdom with others, too. 

You envision yourself doing readings for friends, family, or even paid clients.
You love the idea of being able to offer guidance, wisdom and insights to others through the gift of tarot.

And because you take it so seriously, you want to learn as much as possible in order to be the best tarot reader you can be. 

The problem? It feels like itā€™s taking forever to figure it all out.

Does this sound like you?

  • You’re worried you’ll be stuck at the beginner stage forever - even though you’re not new to tarot anymore;
  • You’ve often heard that eventually your intuition will kick in, but you’re not always confident that that’s working, either;
  • You just can’t seem to get into a flow with tarot;
  • You doubt yourself and you’re afraid of making mistakes;
  • You worry about saying the wrong thing, giving bad advice, or mixing up your card meanings, and that feels like a major obstacle to overcome.

Even though you truly believe tarot has a place in your life, you wonder if you’ll never get good enough with it to be able to offer readings to other people, or to get those intuitive breakthroughs you’re hoping for. 

And you canā€™t help but wish and wonder: What would happen if someone could just magically appear and show me what to do next?

Because you don't just want to be ANY tarot reader: You want to be a GREAT tarot reader.

Imagine how it would feel to give expert-level tarot readings that got people raving about your insights. What would become possible for you if you were getting invited to read at events, parties, and more, and you could confidently accept these invitations knowing that you can handle the job?

Imagine how it would feel be able to do a tarot reading from start to finish without stopping to check a guidebook, or getting stuck partway through. 
And imagine how great it would feel to be proud of your work as a tarot reader, rather than always be second-guessing your readings and letting doubt and insecurity dampen your confidence.

You want to read tarot for others - and really help them when you do. You want to be the kind of tarot reader who is able to handle all kinds of questions and interpretations, know how to use different tarot spreads, and be so good people will be willing to pay you for your readings.


But right now?  You feel like you’re just repeating someone else’s ideas rather than using your own intuition in your tarot readings.

You have a feeling that if you could start to put your own ideas into your readings, everything would change.

But you’re not there yet because you’re paralyzed with fear about getting it wrong. You doubt yourself at the last second and interrupt your tarot reading halfway to reach for that guidebook - even though you keep promising yourself to break that habit soon.

You’re determined to become fluent in tarot, but don’t know how to pull together a story from the cards yet.

Maybe you already feel like you've tried it all with tarot.

So why hasnā€™t anything worked so far?

You’ve tried to find answers on every tarot blog out there.
You’ve tried to memorize as many card meanings as possible.
You’ve watched tarot readers on YouTube to see how they do it.
You’ve cleared and cleansed your tarot cards, hoping they’ll speak to you better if you build a bond that way.
You’ve tried meditation to clear your head and get into your intuition.

And then thereā€™s the issue of actually answering questions with tarot - sometimes you arenā€™t sure if the cards are actually telling you something, or if youā€™re just seeing what you want to see in your readings.

This is why tarot can feel like an endless trial and error, and a total guessing game that can take months, or even years, to figure out.

And trying to puzzle it all together can get discouraging.

It all leads to self-doubt, lack of confidence, and confusion. 

But the problem isn’t you. The problem is the way we learn tarot. 

That's why I created Taking Tarot to the Next Level.

Taking Tarot to the Next Level is designed specifically for people who are ready to move beyond generic card meanings and beginner basics so that you can start reading tarot for others.

Taking Tarot to the Next Level gives you expert-level tarot training so that you can build the skills you need to start reading for others with confidence, fluency, and clarity.

Since 2018, this course has helped hundreds of tarot readers like you develop a deeper relationship with their tarot decks and build inspiring, thriving paths as tarot readers. 


First, Taking Tarot to the Next Level is querent-centric: That means everything you learn here will give you a tool, skill, or tip that you can use when you are reading for others. You can feel prepared for a range of questions, expectations, and situations that querents will bring to your tarot table.

Second, Taking Tarot to the Next Level teaches you how to see tarot as a multi-dimensional tool. By the end of these lessons, you will know how to see patterns and layers in your tarot readings so that you can give unique, accurate tarot readings rather than repeating standard card meanings by memory.

In other words: This course will teach you how to literally read your cards.

Finally, Taking Tarot to the Next Level will help you build a better relationship with your tarot deck. If you find yourself getting stuck on "scary" cards, or if you consistently feel stumped by certain suits, symbols, or images, this training will show you how to integrate tarot's toughest images so that you can become a confident, fluent tarot reader - no matter what the cards throw at you.

"Yes! I'm ready to level-up my tarot readings."

Hi. I'm Liz Worth.

I’m a tarot reader and author who has had the privilege and honour of reading for over 3,000 clients and counting.

I understand what people expect out of a tarot reading and how to deal with the most common, and the most difficult, questions that tarot readers face. 

I created Taking Tarot to the Next Level because I consistently noticed that emerging tarot readers are taught to put way too much emphasis on memorizing tarot card meanings and not enough on developing real-world, hands-on techniques that they can actually use when it’s time to sit down and do a proper reading.

If you don’t know how to give practical advice, navigate everyday questions, see the full story in a tarot reading, and give relevant and useful readings, you’ll always be stuck in the beginner stages in your tarot practice.

In Taking Tarot to the Next Level, you’ll get the exact processes that I use in my professional tarot practice.

Every layer in the program gives you step-by-step instructions, tarot spreads, and techniques that you can apply to your tarot readings right now.

Learn how to give clear, confident readings that are so relevant and specific that people will actually want to pay you for.

"I want to say thank you to Liz Worth for an awesome class! Her supportive and encouraging approach to teaching and critique in her ā€˜Taking Tarot to the Next Levelā€™ online class gave me more confidence in my readings and taught me to finally trust my intuition."

Jade DaRu

If you feel like your tarot readings are missing something... Taking Tarot to the Next Level gives you six powerful, action-packed modules where you will learn the exact techniques I use as a professional tarot reader.

When you get clear about how to put together a tarot reading from start to finish, your confidence grows. Doubt starts to dissolve when you know how to accurately interpret the cards in front of you and give an air-tight piece of advice or prediction.

My goal for you is to give you the tools to come into your own as a tarot reader.

Youā€™ll feel like you have a deeper connection with yourself and with tarot, and you can start to do more with your readings:Ā This will help you learn more ways to read your cards and answer a range of questions so that you can help more people than ever with your tarot readings.

Are you ready to level-up your tarot skills?

Taking Tarot to the Next Level gives you:Ā 

  • 6 powerful tarot trainings in the form of video lessons;Ā 
  • Hands-on, practical homework and assignments to help you integrate each lesson;
  • Must-have tarot spreads to help you become a well-rounded reader who's ready for anything;Ā 
  • Lifetime access to all course materials. Study at your own pace!
  • PLUS: 3 bonus tarot tutorials ($160 value)

All in a self-paced, self-study program that you can do on your own time.

"[Before taking this course] I felt restricted, and was always worried whether I am guessing the right meaning of the card. I had a lot of doubt in my abilities to read the cards. Now I let the images be at the forefront, and the meanings of the cards come second. That was my stuck point, I just couldn't 'see' the cards, Now I feel much more at ease and my readings are much more in flow." - Vida Juskiene

What will you learn in Taking Tarot to the Next Level?

Get beyond the basics with six powerful modules in this self-paced course:

Lesson OneIntentions, Questions and Simple Spreads 

When you get clear about how to put together a tarot reading from start to finish, your confidence grows. Doubt starts to dissolve when you know how to accurately interpret the cards in front of you and give an air-tight piece of advice or prediction.

We cover some of the most overlooked, but most important, components in tarot reading in the first lesson:

  • Frame your mindset as a tarot reader;
  • Learn how to choose the right tarot spread;
  • Tarot spreads for questions every reader should know how to answer.

Lesson Two: Seeing into your cards

Tarot reading is card reading - not a memorization game. If you're struggling to tell the whole story in a tarot reading, it's time for you to learn how to pull it all together. Here, you will learn:

  • The importance of questions and context when reading tarot;
  • The role of the tarot's elements when working with just three cards;
  • How to "see" what the cards are trying to tell you;
  • How to build your own language and meaning based off of the tarot's artwork 
  • How to master the art of the no-spread spread

Lesson Three: Energy, Timing and Yes or No Questions

Do you ever wonder if you need to "connect" to a querent's energy to adequately perform a reading? Do you ever try to figure out whether tarot can help you time an event, or tell you when something might take place? This lesson focuses on energy and timing techniques for predicitve and proactive readings. In this lesson, you will learn:

  • How to feel connected before a reading, especially if you are reading for others
  • How to predict timing in tarot
  • How to deal with answers you don’t want to hear in a reading

Lesson Four: How to give definitive, clear answers for advice, forecasts and more 

In this lesson, you will learn two important tarot techniques that sit at opposite sides of the spectrum: Yes or no readings, and open (or general) readings. If open readings, yes or no questions, or definitive interpretations intimidate you,  this lesson will give you techniques to build your confidence. You will learn:

  • The pros and cons of yes or no questions;
  • Yes or no techniques in tarot;
  • Navigating open readings, with no specific question in mind; and
  • Learn my exclusive go-to tarot spread and techniques for open readings

Lesson Five: When Good Cards Are Bad, and Bad Cards Are Good

Sometimes tarot is confusing. We pull cards that look happy and easy when we're asking about troubled times. Or we see Death, the Devil, or the Tower when we're trying to get a sense of hope in our lives. Learning how to interpret unexpected cards in tarot is one of the most important skills a tarot reader can develop. In this lesson, you will learn: 

  • The roles of intuition and logic in your tarot readings;
  • What it means to define good, bad, or challenging tarot cards;
  • How to know if a good card is a positive or negative, and how to stretch yourself to see new possibilities;
  • What happens when traditionally "good" cards end up in challenging positions in a reading;
  • What happens when traditionally "bad" cards end up in positive positions in a reading

Lesson Six: Master the Celtic Cross 

The Celtic Cross is one of the most well-known tarot spreads out there. But it is not always an easy spread to work with. This lesson helps you make sense of the Celtic Cross. You will learn: 

  • What the Celtic Cross spread is;
  • When to use this tarot spread;
  • How to navigate its 10 positions to meaningful readings

But that's not all...

When you enroll in Taking Tarot to the Next Level, you will also receive three bonuses to take your tarot studies even further...

And these bonus tutorials:

Bonus #1: Learn to Read Tarot For Yourself

This workshop teaches you some key steps in how to read tarot for yourself - which isn't always easy to do! Learn my tips for intuitive development and self-reflection when reading tarot for yourself. ($33 value!)

Bonus #2: Court Cards Crash Course

It's really common to struggle with the Court Cards, even with some tarot experience under your belt. So we're including an in-depth Court Cards tutorial in case you get stuck. ($60 value!)

Bonus #3: Major Arcana + Life Path Tutorial

Explore questions about path, purpose, and the soul's journey through the lens of the Major Arcana. Learn how to answer questions about life purpose using the Major Arcana, and explore an exclusive tarot spread for spiritual work. ($67 value!)

"I thoroughly enjoyed Taking Tarot to the Next Level with Liz. Being part of a community of learners was important for me, and Liz instructed, guided and inspired us in the process. Tarot is a tool, and Liz helped to instil confidence in our abilities to interpret the cards. Through discussions,  homework assignments and thoughtful feedback, I have learned so much more about Tarot and have gained insights into myself as a reader as well."

S. Lajambe

"Yes! I'm ready to take my tarot readings to the next level."

When you enroll in Taking Tarot to the Next Level, you get immediate access to the course and bonuses.

Pay in full up front:



  • 6 in-depth video lessons you can work through at your own pace
  • Lifetime access to the material
  • 3 bonus tarot trainingsĀ 
  • Tarot training that you can use in the real world to help you be of service as a tarot reader
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  • 6 in-depth video lessons you can work through at your own pace
  • Lifetime access to the material
  • 3 bonus tarot trainingsĀ 
  • Tarot training that you can use in the real world to help you be of service as a tarot reader
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"Taking Tarot to the Next Level gave me the techniques that I much needed to start to read with ease, depth and flow. My self-doubt went out the door and my intuition kicked right in. I felt empowered as all the effort I put in for the past 3 years as a new student finally paid off. I am an 'unstuck' Tarot reader. I know I have what it takes clear readings. If you are thinking of signing up, go for it: You will be happy you did."

Isabel Z.

Imagine what it would be like to finally be able to do a tarot reading from start to finish.

What would happen if your confidence with tarot grew? 

Doubt starts to dissolve when you know how to accurately interpret the cards in front of you and give an air-tight piece of advice or prediction.

When you have a solid sense of how to read tarot, you going beyond repeating tired tarot meanings or keywords. You know how to really put together a reading in your own words with your own ideas and intuition - and that’s when you start to come into your own as a tarot reader.

You’ll feel like you have a deeper connection with yourself and with tarot, and you can start to do more with your readings: You can help more people, take on more complex questions, and have a better understanding of tarot’s full potential. 

What past students have to say about Taking Tarot to the Next Level:

"I booked onto Liz’s course, Taking Tarot to the Next Level, as a returning intermediate level reader.  Having been out of the tarot world for a while and come back in during the age of social media, I suddenly felt confused, overwhelmed and in no way able catch up with all these readers with incredible readings, which included everything and the kitchen sink!

"Liz’s course started with what some may consider on the surface to be high level principles and took them really deep and helped me to dig right into readings in a way that really resonated with me. We examined the concepts in a new light and covered all the key areas that querents tend to ask about (and that tend to make me nervous).  The course was content rich and I couldn’t wait for each week to come around for the next instalment, and even now I dive back in to the lessons to gain further insights.
"I really enjoyed doing readings, getting feedback from an experienced reader, and the energy was very supportive and nurturing.  Since doing the course, both my tarot readings and rune readings have stepped up to a whole new level.  My confidence has soared and my feedback from others has gone from good reviews to outstanding ones.
"I have since done other great courses with Liz, which gave me a lot of food for thought and I eagerly await her other online offerings.”
- Rachel

"I had completed a couple of online Tarot courses and read a few books on the subject when I came across Liz's course, Taking Tarot to the Next Level. It was just what I was looking for to deepen my Tarot reading skills.  

"Liz was so generous with her knowledge, which comes from many years of experience.  I enjoyed working with the spreads she created and found her adaptations of classic spreads like the Celtic Cross very helpful. I will definitely be using her ideas in my practice.  She answered all the class participants' questions and provided great feedback on the homework we submitted. It was a real treat to read her insightful comments.  Liz has so much wisdom to share—I'm glad I took the course!"
- Amanda M.

"Liz Worth gave us such insightful and valuable content! It was amazing to learn new ways to interpret the cardsā€™ meaning and uplevel our tarot reading skills! "

Dana Hauser Encinitas, Ca
"I thoroughly enjoyed participating in Liz Worth’s class Taking Tarot to the Next Level.   Tarot has been part of my life for many years, yet I was surprised by the many new and interesting ideas and concepts Liz shared with us, and by the difference that these understandings have had on my Tarot readings.

"It was a great learning experience.  And of course, Liz Worth is an outstanding presenter and teacher.

"I enjoyed every aspect of the class- the - well laid out course material and homework assignments...  

"I am appreciative of the depth and breadth that this on-line course brought to my understanding of the Tarot.  And for Liz Worth’s willingness to share with us her extensive real-life knowledge and experience with the Tarot.  The knowledge I gained has helped me grow and become a more confident Tarot Reader."

Lisa Luna
Wise Owl Tarot

"Okay, I'm sold! How do I register?"

Pay in full up front:



  • 6 in-depth video lessons you can work through at your own pace
  • Lifetime access to the material
  • 3 bonus tarot trainingsĀ 
  • Tarot training that you can use in the real world to help you be of service as a tarot reader
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  • 6 in-depth video lessons you can work through at your own pace
  • Lifetime access to the material
  • 3 bonus tarot trainings
  • Tarot training that you can use in the real world to help you be of service as a tarot reader
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Still not sure if this course is for you? Here's how to know for sure:

If you feel like your tarot readings are missing something...

If you have some tarot knowledge already and you’re ready to make your own interpretations...

And your comfortable working at your own pace in a self-study program...

But you need some help to find the bigger picture in your tarot readings, Taking Tarot to the Next Level is the next step in your journey.

Especially if you want to read tarot for other people. (But we've had lots of satisfied students complete the course who prefer to read tarot for themselves. That's why the Read Tarot for Yourself workshop is included in the bonuses.)

Taking Tarot to the Next Level is NOT for you if...

This is not for you if you are looking for a course about card meanings or beginner basics.

This program is the step after some of those foundational pieces are in place. If you’re looking for a beginner course, my Tarot Foundations program is where you want to begin.

Taking Tarot to the Next Level is also not for you if you’re not willing to make time to practice tarot or do the homework assignments in each module.

This is a self-paced course, you can do it on your own schedule and take as much time as you need with every lesson. But practice makes progress, and you will need to take time to integrate what you learn in this course.

And finally, my program is also not for you if you’re looking to learn about astrological or Kabbalistic correspondences to tarot. I don’t teach those concepts or use that methodology. Tarot is powerful enough on its own. 

Frequently Asked Questions

This course is designed for intermediate to advanced tarot readers.

While we can all be at different stages here, anyone registering for this course is expected to have some grasp of the basic card meanings and feel comfortable enough to put together your own readings and interpretations.

We won't be spending much time on the basics of tarot reading, or discussing card meanings in-depth. If are looking for a beginner course instead, I highly recommend my Tarot Foundations program. It will give you all you need to get started with tarot, and prepare you for my intermediate and advanced courses.

Yes. If you put in the time and practice with this course, you can apply these techniques to work with clients. This course is designed to help you level up your tarot skills to grow beyond generic tarot meanings and build a tarot practice that has real-world applications. 

Much of the material from this class comes from my years of experience as a professional tarot reader. The perspectives, questions, and philosophies I share are part of the foundation of my work as a tarot reader.

How much time will it take you to figure out tarot on your own? How much time has it already taken? The reality is, tarot does take time to learn. It's like a language: You need to practice in order to attain fluency. If you can set aside 1-1.5 hours a week, you can do this course in about six weeks time. What might change by then if you commit?

The videos are broken out into shorter lessons, so even if you only have 20-30 minutes a day, you can make progress with this program. 

No, it does not. None of my courses teach these correspondences. 

Why? Well, because my experience as a professional tarot reader has brought me to a specific place with tarot - where tarot is powerful enough on its own, without adding in different systems or occult theories. 

If you are looking for a practical, powerful, effective way to work with tarot that can help you serve others, Taking Tarot to the Next Level will get you there.

The deck used throughout the course is the Rider-Waite-Smith, as this deck is one of the most commonly-known tarots and is familiar to many.

You do not need to use the RWS for this program, however I do recommend using a tarot deck that  has clear imagery, preferably with people so that you can read the body language of the cards. 

I do not recommend working with abstract or minimalist tarot decks for any of my programs, as the techniques I teach do not lend themselves well to abstract imagery.

My goal as a teacher is to give you material that you can put to use. I can't transform you into a tarot reader - that is your work to do. But I can guide you along the way, and  promise to share lessons and material that I believe is relevant, useful, and important - based on my experience and expertise.

You are granted lifetime access to the materials in this course. There is no time limit on the class. For this reason, I do not give refunds on any course purchases - all sales are final. 

It is your responsibility to make the most out of this course. I put a lot of effort into my classes and give a lot of valuable knowledge that took me years to acquire. It's up to you to take the material and put it to use.

The course does not expire. It's a self-paced program that you can do on your own schedule, and return to again and again as needed.

Course Policies + Fine Print

All sales are final. Due to the digital nature of my work, all classes are non-refundable for any reason. 

It is your responsibility to make the most out of this course. Once you purchase a spot in this class, you are committing to it.

You may not share, distribute, or teach these concepts without explicit permission from me. 

For a full list of policies, please visit lizworth.com/policies.

Please email [email protected] with any questions regarding class policies that are not answered here.


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