Limited time sale: PWYC SALE EXTENDED!

There has been so much interest in this offering I've decided to extend it throughout October. Get immediate access to one of the most comprehensive self-study tarot programs out there.









Learn the Language of Tarot.

Are you ready to become tarot-fluent? Learn how to give clear, concise tarot readings for yourself and others.

Tarot Foundations is on sale for a limited time.


Do you ever reach for your tarot deck, give it a shuffle, and pull a few cards only to feel frustrated, blocked, or totally confused once you start trying to piece the reading together?

You’re not alone: Learning how to rely on what you see in the cards takes time.

And when you begin studying tarot, it can feel like there is so much to learn. You might have questions like:

  • How do you figure out what all of the cards mean? It seems like there’s so much to memorize…
  • How do you know when you’re being guided by your intuition, and not just repeating something you read in a book?
  • How do you connect the cards to the question?
  • How do you learn to trust what you’re seeing?
  • How do you start noticing patterns and symbols in the cards to use in your interpretations?

Even though there's a wealth of information and advice out there about how to read tarot cards, you might be starting to feel like you could benefit from some structure, guidance, and support in order to take your readings to a deeper level.

In Tarot Foundations, you’ll learn the language of tarot. What does that mean?

It means learning how to put words to what you’re seeing in the cards.

It means building confidence to put the guidebooks aside and learn how to see what each tarot card is showing you – based off of its image, not a memorized list of keywords.

And it means moving away from feeling scattered and overwhelmed by your tarot readings, and instead learning how to perform a reading from start to finish -- without constantly interrupting yourself to double-check your interpretations online or in a book.

Where would tarot take you if that was possible?

That's the aim of Tarot Foundations: To help you develop more confidence, fluency, and agility in your tarot readings.

In Tarot Foundations, you will learn:

  • How to read every card in the tarot so that you’ll be able to see the unique messages each tarot card holds;
  • How to put your tarot readings into your own words so that it becomes a language unique to you;
  • How to answer different types of questions in your readings so that you can help yourself and others through life’s everyday problems;
  • How to use expert-level tarot techniques so that you can get out of your own way and become the tarot reader you dream of being;
  • How to ask effective questions in your readings so that you can deepen your self-awareness and enhance your life’s journey.


"Another great class with Liz! I continue to study with Liz because I get results and continually feel progress with her material and from her methods of teaching. She is the real deal!"


"Who is the program for?"

If you’ve been practicing tarot a while, but you feel like you’re just dabbling and you’re ready to get serious

If you’ve watched every YouTube tutorial, and endlessly Googled your tarot readings and have reached the point where internet searches just aren’t cutting it anymore

If you’ve been craving a structured, step-by-step experience where you have access to a trusted community for support, questions, and practice

Then Tarot Foundations is for you.

"The Tarot Foundations course is a great course where you can develop a comprehensive knowledge of all the Tarot cards, learn the structure of the Tarot deck, become aware of what Tarot can be used for and what Tarot may be limited by. I enjoyed hearing about the history and origins of Tarot and appreciated receiving references to explore and study this aspect of the course in depth... I would definitely recommend this course to people who want both theory and practice as a way to become a better reader of the Tarot cards. Liz Worth is a excellent teacher and facilitator and supports the students within the course."

Brendan O'Connor

Registration for Tarot Foundations is on sale until October 1, 2023.

I know times are tough right now. For a limited time, you can pay what you can for Tarot Foundations starting with a minimum of $100. This course is typically priced at $500. Set the rate that you are able to afford.


Starting at $100 USD

Enroll Now

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Choose this option if you are a Canadian resident or face unfavourable exchange rates.

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"I was reluctant to spend this much money on a course for something that is a hobby for me, but it has definitely been worth it. I've learned SO much more that I ever have from reading books and surfing the information that's on the web. Liz's teaching style is so practical, very down-to-earth. She stuck to the fundamentals, made it relatable and therefore easy to remember and apply. I look forward to continuing my tarot journey with a new level of confidence."


"What can I expect when I join Tarot Foundations?"

Using the Rider Waite Smith deck, Tarot Foundations walks you through every tarot card so that you can start to identify important patterns, symbols, and insights in each card. 

From there, you will learn how to start weaving the details together in your readings. Each lesson in Tarot Foundations offers step-by-step instructions to help you see into every tarot card, work with a wide variety of questions, and learn how to synthesize your readings from start to finish.

You will also understand how to integrate the essential components of tarot’s elements and suits so that you can apply the energies of the earth, air, fire and water to your interpretations.

The video lessons are all available for you to study at your own pace, and you’ll have lifetime access to the course so that you can revisit it as often as you wish.

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Have the necessary tools to develop fluency in tarot;
  • Understand a powerful method of tarot reading that you can use to answer nearly any kind of question;
  • Understand how to perform direct, detailed 3-card readings for yourself and others;
  • Know how to interpret the details in tarot cards in a meaningful way;
  • Have a deeper understanding of how to work with various card combinations in your readings;
  • Be on your way to becoming a more confident tarot reader.

Plus, you will receive a personalized certificate of completion to celebrate the effort you've made here.

"I love Liz's approach to tarot. She easily helps you develop key points in the language to tarot that helps you interpret your spread. Even if you're picking up a tarot deck for the first time, she gives you confidence to read with the course. Learning the foundations from Liz will work in a beautiful tandem to your own intuition."

Shawn Hollenbach

"What does the full curriculum include?"

Here's a breakdown of what each lesson offers:

Lesson 0: Pre-Work Tarot readers succeed because they develop the right mindset that this kind of path requires. Learn how to build key characteristics that will enhance your tarot skills.

Lesson 1: Your tarot confusion stops here. We get up and close and personal with tarot’s history and myths to give your relationship with tarot the strongest foundation possible. This arms you with the knowledge you need to connect with tarot clearly and effectively.

Lesson 2: Do you ever worry you’re not focused or centered enough when you read tarot? This lesson will teach you the “art of seeing.” Learn how a reading begins, get introduced to the four elements, and learn how to begin intuiting the messages in the cards.

Lesson 3: Get ready to master the Major Arcana. This where you will learn how to read the Fool, Magician, and High Priestess cards so that you can understand how to interpret them when they show up in your readings.

Lesson 4: Your mastery of the Major Arcana continues here, where you will learn how to work with the Empress, Emperor, Hierophant and Lovers cards. This lesson is a turning point where you will start to think like a tarot reader.

Lesson 5: In this lesson you get to know the Chariot, Strength, the Hermit and Wheel of Fortune cards. Completing the first half of the Major Arcana unlocks new knowledge that will deepen your readings.

Lesson 6: Do you struggle to remain objective when scary or challenging cards show up? Then you’ll love this lesson. Here, explore continue to explore the Major Arcana with Justice, Hanged Man, Death, Temperance and Devil cards. You’ll come out of this class knowing how to handle some of tarot's most notorious cards without fear.

Lesson 7: By the end of this lesson, you’ll know what it takes to read every card in the Major Arcana. Learn what to do when the Tower, the Star, the Moon, the Sun, Judgment and the World cards show up in your readings. You’ll also watch tons of sample readings so that you can see how to interpret these cards for yourself or others.

Lesson 8: Now that you’ve gotten to know the Major Arcana, it’s time to learn the Minor Arcana and the tarot’s four elements. This lesson gives you the foundation you need to skillfully apply the energies of tarot’s elements, starting with the suit of Wands.

Lesson 9: Do you dread seeing Swords cards in your tarot readings? After this lesson is over, you’ll see the Swords in a whole new way - and learn to love them. Discover the gifts of the Swords cards and learn how to effectively communicate their messages in your readings.

Lesson 10: The Cups cards are where you learn about the element of water and the role these cards play in your readings. In this lesson, you will learn how to connect with the element of water and know how to weave the stories of the Cups cards into your readings.

Lesson 11: Here, you will learn what the element of earth represents, and what it means when the Pentacles show up in your readings. You will finish these Minor Arcana lessons with a greater ability to put these cards into context and use them to answer a range of questions.

Lesson 12: Your roadmap through the Minor Arcana wraps up with this lesson on how to integrate the numbers of the cards in your tarot readings. Why does this matter? I’ll show you how to use these details to give more specific readings so that you can give clear advice and guidance with your cards.

Lesson 13: Do you draw a blank when the Court Cards show up? If the answer is yes, you won’t feel that way after this lesson. You’ll come out of this class with simple but powerful techniques that will take you to a new level with the court cards. Stop feeling confused and start getting clear about the courts!

Lesson 14: Your final lesson focuses on integration. A lot of beginner tarot courses skip this step, leaving students wondering what to do with all of the information they just learned.

"There are tons of courses and books out there explaining the meanings of the cards - but Tarot Foundations is the only one I came across (and I did a LOT of research) that teaches how to actually perform a reading! The sample readings are SO helpful! It is the focus on the actual practice that makes this course really stand out."

Stefanie Stutzenberger

Tarot Foundations is on sale until October 2.

If you're looking for a high quality self-paced tarot course that will take you step-by-step to help you learn to read tarot cards, you've found it.









Registration for Tarot Foundations is on sale until October 1, 2023.

I know times are tough right now. For a limited time, you can pay what you can for Tarot Foundations starting with a minimum of $100. This course is typically priced at $500. Set the rate that you are able to afford.


Starting at $100 USD

Enroll Now

Pay in Canadian currency:

Starting at $100 CAD

Do you live in Canada or another country that faces unfavourable US exchange rates? 

Pay in Canadian

"If you are new to tarot and are looking for someone to give you a thorough background of the cards, then Liz Worth is the teacher you seek. She is especially supportive in helping you use your own intuition to 'hear' the messages from the cards in your own personal way."

Chris T.

About your teacher.

Hi. I'm Liz Worth.

I’m a tarot reader and author who has had the privilege and honour of reading tarot professionally for over seven years.

I understand what people expect out of a tarot reading and how to deal with the most common, and the most difficult, questions that tarot readers face.

But I didn’t get here overnight. I was once in your exact shoes, wanting very much to be able to read tarot effortlessly – as though it was second nature – but often feeling stumped (and sometimes scared) of what I was seeing in my readings.

With time, practice, and dedication, you can and will improve as a tarot reader. I fully believe that.

But you know what else I believe? That the way we’re taught tarot is broken.

For one thing, there is way too much emphasis put on memorizing tarot card meanings. You’re not here to do tarot memorizing. You’re here to do tarot reading.

Tarot is a visual language that readers must become fluent in speaking.

When I started to understand how to literally read the images in my tarot deck, everything changed for me.

That’s why I created Tarot Foundations: To teach other tarot readers the same methodology that has since helped me build a professional tarot practice. I didn’t want to create a cookie-cutter tarot course that keeps you stuck at Square One.

This program was made for tarot readers who want to be able to stop doing readings that feel clunky and vague, and instead learn a more fluid method.

"Liz is a phenomenal teacher who I have gleaned much insight and wisdom from."

Candice Garcia

Who is Tarot Foundations for?

Tarot Foundations has welcomed tarot readers of all levels since 2017. Even if you’ve already taken other tarot courses, or been studying on your own for a while, Tarot Foundations will help you deepen your tarot path.

Past students have said this was the course that changed everything for them when it comes to reading tarot. After feeling stuck in the “beginner” stages with their tarot readings for way too long, Tarot Foundations alumni said that this was the program that helped them gain the clarity and confidence they needed to read tarot for themselves and others.

This program is for you if:

  • You’re ready to roll up your sleeves and devote yourself to learning tarot step by step;
  • You’re ready to stop letting fear and insecurity run your tarot practice;
  • You’re ready to let go of any bad tarot habits or limiting beliefs you may have picked up along the way in your journey so far;
  • You’re open to learning on the Rider Waite Smith deck.

Tarot Foundations is NOT for you if:

  • You’re looking for a quick-fix tarot course (there’s no such thing);
  • You want to learn about astrology, Kabbalah, or other esoteric practices - we focus purely on tarot here;
  • You’re married to tarot decks that feature abstract images or overly artistic styles. There are many beautiful tarot decks out there, but the techniques you learn in this class rely on tarots that prominently feature people. It is strongly recommended you use a RWS deck for Tarot Foundations and then transition to a different deck once the class is done.

"Tarot Foundations has provided me with a deeper foundation and provided plenty of examples to encourage different thought approaches to Tarot spreads. "


“What do I get when I sign up?”

Ongoing access to the course

Your course materials won't expire. Learn at your own speed with step-by-step video lessons that show you exactly how to read tarot cards. Revisit the lessons any time.

Exclusive Course Guidebook

Along with your weekly worksheets, you will receive a PDF guidebook that outlines the basic components of tarot. This guidebook is exclusive to the Tarot Foundations course and is not available anywhere else.

Certificate of Completion

When you finish the full program, you will receive a certificate of completion to acknowledge the work you've put into learning every step in Tarot Foundations.

"After taking the tarot class I feel a much stronger and focused connection with the cards. In the beginning the images and meanings were shrouded in mystery. By the end I was naturally and intuitively reading and working with them as if they were an old loveable friend."


Course Policies + (Not-So) Fine Print

All sales are final.

Due to the digital and energetic nature of my work, I am unable to  issue refunds on classes. Please shop mindfully and ensure this program is right for you.

If you are registering through a payment plan, you are committing to pay the full amount listed, whether you complete the course or not.

It is your responsibility to make the most out of this experience.

The content of this course cannot be shared, reproduced or copied, or repurposed in any form. Anyone found to be sharing these materials without permission will be pursued in a court of law.Â